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Small talk, those two small words drive a stake into the hearts of most of us.  The brighter and more enthusiastic you are the more you’ll ...

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We’re always being told that change has to start from the top, so knowing  this I’ve spent much of my time in the past trying to contact the top and telling them ...

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What is the difference between those situations where we exercise good self-control and respond wisely and those situations where we have a negative emotional reaction?  More to the point, under what conditions am I likely to respond with kindness versus ...

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Recently social scientists have come to understand that physical appearance is not the only aspect of ourselves that is attractive to others. Our personalities influence how other people see us ...

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When patients in a recent medical survey were informed that their treatment cost $2000 dollars a shot, their ability to control their movements improved twice as much as when they were told it cost only $130 ...‘This takes the study of a placebo effect to a whole new dimension’ ....

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I have come to believe that as leaders, we regularly underestimate what is required for the building of trust, and for the development of a rich, lively, and contactful professional relationship ...

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At Nitro, one of our guiding principles is “always learning,” and we come to work every day with that motto in mind. In the last few months, we created a department dedicated to Learning and Development (L&D), led by Kate Mason and supported by Learning and Development Specialist Trisha Mitzelfelt ...

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Four Walls Theory teaches us to look to ourselves and inside our four walls of operation, literally or metaphorically for the answers. While monitoring many, “looking in all the wrong places” I am also happily monitoring some great success stories. The differences are dramatic ...

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While authenticity is grounded from within, it affects our every interaction; it’s like a diamond that scratches all other stones.  If we’re authentic, we inspire confidence in others ...

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At some point, each of us will “screw up.” These days, that “screw up” will be common knowledge in  six minutes. To combat that, be transparent. Own your mistake and move on ...

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Your team needs to be informed. That’s what I try and share in my rambling thoughts in other articles. But sometimes, how they think about the information they are provided with can physically and mentally affect them and their performance ...

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We breeze through our lives in a haze of complacency, assuming the world is safe. But most of us will be affected, directly or indirectly, by a life-or-death situation ...

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